Help:Rules of engagement

From CompetenceBase

A database containing information from different persons, organisations and for different purposes needs some rules to avoid one user would mess up the information of an other user. Moreover, the information that is used to organise the information needs to be protected to ensure data integrity.

1. Ownership

  • Each page needs to have a [owner] property.
  • Everyone is allowed to use items from other owners. Therefore it is not allowed to remove your information from the platform, because this would harm the other users/owners.
  • A user is not allowed to change information of another owner than the one he/she is working for.
  • Structural items, needed to structure the information are by definition owned by Competencebase. Adding these can only be done in agreement with the database manager.

2. Copyrights

  • Information can only be added or uploaded if it is has a open source licence or if the owner agrees to publish it like this.
  • It is the responsability of the user that adds this to verify this.
  • Of course you are allowed to add links to available material on the internet.
  • All information that is created from a source in the database has to have at least the same licence or more open.
