
From CompetenceBase


properties and qualifiers

types of properties and values

you can see the type of property when you click on the property when logged in.

a property can be used multiple times, for exaple I can add a text in multiple languages, or I can add multiple texts for the same vallue. This is done by using the add value button that occurs under the property, once it is created. You will see in the definition of a specific property if multiple values are allowed.

A list of properties can be found in the special page list properties


values can be described as

  • "text" (Qnr) this specific value is obligatory for this type of page
  • a value list, a range of values that are listed in a specific page


Monolingual properties are expecting a value in one specific language. The language is noted in the property through a drop down menu.

Syntax (the value) can be described as

  • a specific way of writing, for example "noun" or "verb - noun"
  • a specific text, for example "copy of the ESCO title"
  • open text, any text is allowed.



External identifier

formatter URL
