provide first aid (ESSENCE) (Q839)

From CompetenceBase

Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid in order to provide help to a sick or injured person until a complete medical treatment is available. (ESSENCE)

Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid in order to provide help to a sick or injured person until a complete medical treatment is available. (ESSENCE)
  • 60 70 00 03 27 ES
Language Label Description Also known as
provide first aid
Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid in order to provide help to a sick or injured person until a complete medical treatment is available. (ESSENCE)
  • 60 70 00 03 27 ES


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TeBeVat Competence: 60 70 00 05 27
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ensure own safety (English)
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determine if a person is in need of basic psychological care (English)
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provide psychological care (English)
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notice the possibility of shock (English)
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remove or limit schock cause (English)
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determine if the person's wound requires treatment (English)
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treat wounds according to the different types of wounds (English)
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identify the signs and causes of burns (English)
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stop burning process (English)
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notice life-threatening bleeding (English)
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determine the appropriate treatment depending on location of bleeding. (English)
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administer appropriate treatment (English)
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identify the cause and location of suspected trauma (English)
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treat trauma accordingly (English)
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determine the appropriate treatment depending on kind of thermic disorder (English)
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support the re-establishment of normal core body temperature (English)
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recognise possible poisoning (English)
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check vital signs (English)
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administer basic life support (English)
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determine breathing of the person (English)
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administer artificial breathing in case of non-normal breathing/CPR (English)
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determine that a person is unconscious and breathing normally (English)
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decide if a recovery position has to be established and, if so, place the unconscious person into the recovery position (English)
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recognise an unresponsive/unconscious person (English)
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determine/check non-normal breathing, cardiac arrest (English)
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perform CPR - if possible with AED (English)
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determine conciousness&calm / unconciousness or panic,vomit, blood inside helmet (English)
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remove/don’t remove helmet according to evaluation. (English)
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check vital signs, recognize stroke as a high-risk emergency. (F.A.S.T.) (English)
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provide assistance according to type of neurological sign (English)
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determine if it is an airway obstructions or general breathing distress (English)
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remove the object removal by the following measures: coughing, back blows, Heimlich maneuver (English)
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support a beneficial posture (English)
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check vital signs and recognize heart attacks as a high-risk emergency (English)
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give assistance according to heart attacks and electricity accidents (English)
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60 70 00 03 27
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Erste Hilfe leisten (German)
Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung oder andere Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen durchführen, um eine kranke oder verletzte Person bis zum Eintreffen der Rettungskräfte zu versorgen. (German)
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eerste hulp verlenen (Dutch)
Cardiopulmonale reanimatie of eerste hulp toedienen om hulp te bieden aan een zieke of gewonde persoon totdat een volledige medische behandeling beschikbaar is. (Dutch)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



