Define stage plan (ESSENCE) (Q743)

From CompetenceBase

Based on artist riders and local conditions, draw a stage layout including positions of artists, instruments, stands, other audio equipment, electricity outlets, risers etc., and distribute to all stakeholders. (ESSENCE)

Based on artist riders and local conditions, draw a stage layout including positions of artists, instruments, stands, other audio equipment, electricity outlets, risers etc., and distribute to all stakeholders. (ESSENCE)
  • 02 00 10 05 28 ES
Language Label Description Also known as
Define stage plan
Based on artist riders and local conditions, draw a stage layout including positions of artists, instruments, stands, other audio equipment, electricity outlets, risers etc., and distribute to all stakeholders. (ESSENCE)
  • 02 00 10 05 28 ES


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interpret technical riders (English)
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collate technical information from all stage-related stakeholders (English)
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draw and annotate stage plan (English)
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02 00 10 05 28
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Bühnenplan festlegen (German)
Unter Berücksichtigung von Bühnenanweisungen und lokalen Gegebenheiten einen Bühnenplan mit allen Künstlerpositionen, Stativen, Tonequipment, Stromversorgung, Podesterie etc. zeichnen und an alle Beteiligten verteilen. (German)
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Podiumplan bepalen (Dutch)
Teken op basis van de riders van de artiest en de plaatselijke omstandigheden een podiumindeling met de posities van artiesten, instrumenten, statieven, audioapparatuur, stopcontacten, podia enzovoort en verspreid deze onder alle belanghebbenden. (Dutch)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



