contribute to a safe and sustainable working environment (ETTEC) (Q712)
From CompetenceBase
show awareness of risks related to your and your colleagues activities on stage and in the audience area in the performing arts and act accordingly to ensure the own safety (ETTEC)
- 60 00 00 03 02 ET
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | contribute to a safe and sustainable working environment | show awareness of risks related to your and your colleagues activities on stage and in the audience area in the performing arts and act accordingly to ensure the own safety (ETTEC) |
Limited to the actions practitioners can take within the responsibility of their function and their position in the chain of command. Includes the theoretical background of the organisation of health and safety. (English)
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TeBeVat Competence: 60 00 00 03 02
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ETTE handbook, CH 2
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Works with attention for the safety of colleagues, artists, public and other stakeholders. (English)
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Detects, prevents and protects against risks and injury (such as electric shock, hearing damage, hazardous substances, tripping, fire, …) (English)
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Pays attention to minimum lighting conditions and sound levels on stage to ensure orientation and communication during setup, focus, sound check, rehearsal and performance. (English)
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Works with attention for the sustainable use of materials and energy. (English)
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Proposes improvement and prevention measures. (English)
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Informs him/herself about the regulations and practices in unfamiliar workplaces. (English)
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Works according to the rules and regulations of the workplace. (English)
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Mounts and uses collective protection equipment where needed. (English)
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Acts according to the agreed procedure in case of an emergency. (English)
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Complies with legal working time regulations. (English)
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Limited to the actions practitionerscan take within the responsibility of their function and their position in the chain of command. Includes the theoretical background of the organisation of health and safety. (English)
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60 00 00 03 02
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zu einer sicheren und nachhaltigen Arbeitsumgebung beitragen (German)
Bewusstsein für Gefährdungen zeigen, die von eigenem oder fremden Handeln auf Bühnen und in Zuschauerbereichen im Umfeld der darstellenden Künste ausgehen, und so handeln, dass die eigene Sicherheit gewährleistet ist. (German)
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bijdragen aan een veilige en duurzame werkomgeving (Dutch)
toon bewustzijn van de risico's die samenhangen met de activiteiten van jou en je collega's op het podium en in de publieksruimte in de podiumkunsten en handel dienovereenkomstig om je eigen veiligheid te waarborgen (Dutch)
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