set up microphones (ESSENCE) (Q676)

From CompetenceBase

Implement the microphone and patch plan, place stands and cables dexterously in a crowded environment, interact with performers and take their wishes into account. Adapt plan in consultation with sound operators if required. (ESSENCE)

Implement the microphone and patch plan, place stands and cables dexterously in a crowded environment, interact with performers and take their wishes into account. Adapt plan in consultation with sound operators if required. (ESSENCE)
  • 02 00 20 05 15 ES
Language Label Description Also known as
set up microphones
Implement the microphone and patch plan, place stands and cables dexterously in a crowded environment, interact with performers and take their wishes into account. Adapt plan in consultation with sound operators if required. (ESSENCE)
  • 02 00 20 05 15 ES


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follow technical design (English)
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follow stage plan (English)
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adapt technical design to local conditions (English)
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run cables neatly and safely (English)
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place stands precisely, adapt to artists, and tighten (English)
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aim microphone optimally (English)
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check microphone switches required (English)
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coordinate with artist and make-up department for body-mounted microphones (English)
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instruct and lead helpers to set up microphones and cable the stage (English)
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02 00 20 05 15
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This competence requires a high degree of adaptability, as stage layout and artistic demands tend to change rapidly during setup. The goal is to keep key aspects of the original design while integrating performers’ wishes as much as possible. (English)
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Mikrofone einrichten (German)
Den Mikrofonierungs- und Patchplan umsetzen. Unter beengten Platzverhältnissen Mikrostative und Kabel geschickt platzieren, dabei auf Wünsche der Künstler eingehen. Ggf. Plan in Absprache mit Mischern anpassen. (German)
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microfoons opstellen (Dutch)
Het microfoon- en patchplan uitvoeren, statieven en kabels vakkundig plaatsen in een drukke omgeving, communiceren met artiesten en rekening houden met hun wensen. Het plan indien nodig aanpassen in overleg met geluidsoperators. (Dutch)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



