Assemble performance equipment (ESCO) (Q643)

From CompetenceBase

Set up sound, light and video equipment on stage before performance event according to specifications. (ESCO)

Set up sound, light and video equipment on stage before performance event according to specifications. (ESCO)
  • assemble equipment for performances
  • assembling performance equipment
  • fit up performance equipment
  • install performance equipment
  • make performance equipment ready
  • set up performance equipment
Language Label Description Also known as
Assemble performance equipment
Set up sound, light and video equipment on stage before performance event according to specifications. (ESCO)
  • assemble equipment for performances
  • assembling performance equipment
  • fit up performance equipment
  • install performance equipment
  • make performance equipment ready
  • set up performance equipment


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04 00 20 00 10
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Assemble performance equipment (English)
Set up sound, light and video equipment on stage before performance event according to specifications. (English)
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uitrusting voor voorstellingen monteren (Dutch)
Geluids-, licht- en videoapparatuur vóór de uitvoering van het evenement op het podium monteren overeenkomstig de specificaties. (Dutch)
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Equipment für Aufführungen vorbereiten (German)
Einrichten von Ton-, Licht- und Video-Equipment auf der Bühne vor der Aufführung gemäß den Spezifikationen. (German)
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montare le attrezzature per lesibizione (Italian)
Installare apparecchiature audio, di illuminazione e video sul palco prima dello spettacolo secondo le specifiche. (Italian)
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sestavovat zařízení, jež se použije při vystoupení (Czech)
Připravit zvukové, světelné a video zařízení na jeviště před konáním vystoupení podle specifikací. (Czech)
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συναρμολόγηση του εξοπλισμού της παράστασης (Greek)
Ρύθμιση του ήχου, του φωτισμού και του βίντεο επί σκηνής πριν από την εκδήλωση της παράστασης σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές. (Greek)
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montar el equipo para la actuación artística (Spanish)
Instalar equipos de sonido, iluminación y vídeo en el escenario antes de una actuación con arreglo a las especificaciones. (Spanish)
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montare le attrezzature per l’esibizione (Italian)
Installare apparecchiature audio, di illuminazione e video sul palco prima dello spettacolo secondo le specifiche. (Italian)
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montera föreställningsutrustning (Swedish)
Montera ljud-, ljus- och videoutrustning på scenen före föreställningen i enlighet med specifikationerna. (Swedish)
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monter les équipements de la représentation (French)
Mettre en place des équipements sonores, d’éclairage et vidéo sur une scène avant un spectacle conformément aux spécifications. (French)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



