inspect building systems (Q1392)
From CompetenceBase
Inspect buildings and building systems such as plumbing or electrical systems to confirm compliance with regulations and requirements. (ESCO)
- assess building systems
- check building systems
- evaluate building systems
- examine building systems
- inspect building system
- inspecting building systems
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | inspect building systems | Inspect buildings and building systems such as plumbing or electrical systems to confirm compliance with regulations and requirements. (ESCO) |
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inspect building systems (English)
Inspect buildings and building systems such as plumbing or electrical systems to confirm compliance with regulations and requirements. (English)
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Gebäudesysteme untersuchen (German)
Inspizieren von Gebäuden und Gebäudesystemen, wie Rohrinstallationen oder Elektrik, um die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und Anforderungen zu gewährleisten. (German)
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verificare la conformità degli impianti degli edifici (Italian)
Ispezionare gli edifici e gli impianti degli edifici, come gli impianti idraulici o elettrici, per confermare la conformità ai regolamenti e alle prescrizioni. (Italian)
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bouwkundige systemen inspecteren (Dutch)
Inspecties van gebouwen en bouwsystemen zoals loodgieterswerk of elektrische systemen om de naleving van wetgeving en voorschriften te bevestigen. (Dutch)
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provádět kontrolu systémů budov (Czech)
Provádět kontrolu budov a systémů budov, jako jsou instalatérské nebo elektrické systémy, s cílem potvrdit soulad s předpisy a požadavky. (Czech)
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επιθεώρηση συστημάτων κατασκευής (Greek)
Επιθεώρηση κτιρίων και συστημάτων κατασκευής, όπως υδραυλικά ή ηλεκτρικά συστήματα, για επιβεβαίωση συμμόρφωσης με τους κανονισμούς και τις απαιτήσεις. (Greek)
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inspeccionar sistemas de construcción (Spanish)
Inspeccionar los edificios y sistemas de construcción, como la fontanería o los sistemas eléctricos, para confirmar el cumplimiento de la normativa y los requisitos. (Spanish)
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inspektera byggnadssystem (Swedish)
Inspektera byggnader och installationssystem som VVS- eller elsystem för att bekräfta efterlevnaden av föreskrifter och krav. (Swedish)
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inspecter les installations techniques de bâtiments (French)
Inspecter les bâtiments et les systèmes de construction, tels que les installations de plomberie ou d’électricité, afin de confirmer le respect des règlements et des exigences. (French)
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