dance répétiteur (ESCO) (Q1170)
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Dance répétiteurs assist conductors and choreographers in directing rehearsals and guiding the artists in the rehearsal process.
- assistant choreographer
- assistant choreographer and repetiteur
- dance tutor
- dance rehearsal director
- assistant choreographer and répétiteur
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | dance répétiteur | Dance répétiteurs assist conductors and choreographers in directing rehearsals and guiding the artists in the rehearsal process. |
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dance répétiteur (English)
Dance répétiteurs assist conductors and choreographers in directing rehearsals and guiding the artists in the rehearsal process. Regardless of their nature and scope, a répétiteur's actions are, from an ethical and practical standpoint, based on a commitment to respect the integrity of the work. (English)
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dansrepetitor (Dutch)
Dansrepetitoren helpen dirigenten en choreografen bij het dirigeren van repetities en het begeleiden van de artiesten tijdens het repetitieproces. Ongeacht hun aard en omvang zijn de handelingen van een dansrepetitor vanuit ethisch en praktisch oogpunt gebaseerd op een verbintenis om de integriteit van het werk te respecteren. (Dutch)
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korepetitor tance/korepetitorka tance (Czech)
Korepetitoři tance pomáhají vedoucím souborů a choreografům při nácviku zkoušek a směrování umělců v procesu zkoušek. Bez ohledu na povahu a rozsah jsou kroky korepetitorů z etického a praktického hlediska založeny na závazku respektovat integritu díla. (Czech)
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Excludes people working in an educational work context. (English)
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