exercise self-reflection (Q1451)

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Effectively, regularly and systematically reflect on own actions, performance, and attitudes, and make necessary adjustments, seeking professional development opportunities to plug knowledge and practice gaps in identified areas. (ESCO)

Effectively, regularly and systematically reflect on own actions, performance, and attitudes, and make necessary adjustments, seeking professional development opportunities to plug knowledge and practice gaps in identified areas. (ESCO)
  • assess the impact of your professional development
  • be able to engage in self-reflection
  • conduct self-assessment
  • do self-assessment
  • estimate the impact of your professional development
  • evaluate professional development impact
  • evaluate the impact of your professional development
  • examine the impact of your professional development
  • gauge the impact of your professional development
  • monitor the impact of your professional development
  • perform self-assessment
  • perform self-evaluation
  • reflect on practice
  • self-assess
  • self-evaluate
Language Label Description Also known as
exercise self-reflection
Effectively, regularly and systematically reflect on own actions, performance, and attitudes, and make necessary adjustments, seeking professional development opportunities to plug knowledge and practice gaps in identified areas. (ESCO)
  • assess the impact of your professional development
  • be able to engage in self-reflection
  • conduct self-assessment
  • do self-assessment
  • estimate the impact of your professional development
  • evaluate professional development impact
  • evaluate the impact of your professional development
  • examine the impact of your professional development
  • gauge the impact of your professional development
  • monitor the impact of your professional development
  • perform self-assessment
  • perform self-evaluation
  • reflect on practice
  • self-assess
  • self-evaluate


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exercise self-reflection (English)
Effectively, regularly and systematically reflect on own actions, performance, and attitudes, and make necessary adjustments, seeking professional development opportunities to plug knowledge and practice gaps in identified areas. Evaluate the impact of your own professional development. (English)
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Selbstreflexion vornehmen (German)
Effektive, regelmäßige und systematische Selbsteinschätzung in Bezug auf eigene Handlungen, Leistungen und Einstellungen; notwendige Anpassung, indem nach beruflichen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten gesucht wird, um Wissens- und Praxislücken in bes (German)
Effektive, regelmäßige und systematische Selbsteinschätzung in Bezug auf eigene Handlungen, Leistungen und Einstellungen; notwendige Anpassung, indem nach beruflichen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten gesucht wird, um Wissens- und Praxislücken in bestimmten Bereichen zu schließen. Beurteilen der Auswirkungen der eigenen beruflichen Entwicklung. (German)
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esercitare lautoriflessione (Italian)
Riflettere in maniera efficace, regolare e sistematica sulle proprie azioni e prestazioni e sui propri atteggiamenti e apportare le dovute correzioni, ricercando opportunità di sviluppo professionale per colmare le lacune di conoscenza e di prassi (Italian)
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zelfreflectie toepassen (Dutch)
Doeltreffend, regelmatig en systematisch reflecteren over eigen acties, prestaties en attitudes, en de nodige aanpassingen doorvoeren, op zoek gaan naar mogelijkheden voor professionele ontwikkeling om lacunes in kennis en praktijk op vastgestelde g (Dutch)
Doeltreffend, regelmatig en systematisch reflecteren over eigen acties, prestaties en attitudes, en de nodige aanpassingen doorvoeren, op zoek gaan naar mogelijkheden voor professionele ontwikkeling om lacunes in kennis en praktijk op vastgestelde gebieden aan te pakken. De impact van uw eigen professionele ontwikkeling evalueren. (Dutch)
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provádění sebereflexe (Czech)
Efektivně, pravidelně a systematicky reflektovat vlastní činnost, výkon a postoje, provádět nezbytné úpravy a vyhledávat příležitosti k profesnímu rozvoji s cílem odstranit nedostatky ve znalostech a praxi v oblastech, kde je to zapotřebí. Zhodnocení dopadu svého vlastního profesního rozvoje. (Czech)
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διενέργεια αυτοστοχασμού (Greek)
Αποτελεσματική, τακτική και συστηματική εξέταση των προσωπικών ενεργειών, επιδόσεων και συμπεριφορών και διενέργεια απαραίτητων προσαρμογών με αναζήτηση ευκαιριών επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης για την κάλυψη των κενών γνώσης και πρακτικής σε συγκεκριμένους τομείς. Αξιολόγηση του αντικτύπου της δικής σας επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης. (Greek)
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practicar la reflexión personal (Spanish)
Reflexionar de manera efectiva, regular y sistemática sobre las acciones, los resultados y las actitudes propios, y realizar los ajustes necesarios, buscando oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a fin de colmar los vacíos de conocimientos y práctica en los ámbitos señalados. Evaluar el impacto del desarrollo profesional propio. (Spanish)
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esercitare l’autoriflessione (Italian)
Riflettere in maniera efficace, regolare e sistematica sulle proprie azioni e prestazioni e sui propri atteggiamenti e apportare le dovute correzioni, ricercando opportunità di sviluppo professionale per colmare le lacune di conoscenza e di prassi negli ambiti individuati. Valutare l’impatto del proprio sviluppo professionale. (Italian)
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utöva självreflektion (Swedish)
Effektivt, regelbundet och systematiskt reflektera över egna handlingar, resultat och attityder och göra nödvändiga anpassningar, samt söka efter möjligheter till yrkesmässig utveckling för att fylla teoretiska och praktiska kunskapsluckor inom fastställda områden. Utvärdera effekten av den egna yrkesmässiga utvecklingen. (Swedish)
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pratiquer l’autoréflexion (French)
Se pencher de manière efficace, régulière et systématique sur ses actions, ses performances et ses attitudes et procéder aux ajustements nécessaires, en recherchant des possibilités de développement professionnel pour combler les lacunes de connaissances et de pratique dans les domaines recensés. Évaluer l’impact de son propre développement professionnel. (French)
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alternative for reflect on practice
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



