Facilitate job market access (Q596)

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Improve the chances of individuals to find a job, by teaching the required qualifications and interpersonal skills, through training and development programs, workshops or employment projects. (ESCO)

Improve the chances of individuals to find a job, by teaching the required qualifications and interpersonal skills, through training and development programs, workshops or employment projects. (ESCO)
  • assist in gaining access to job market
  • enable job market access
  • facilitate access to job market
  • facilitating job market access
  • help in gaining access to job market
Language Label Description Also known as
Facilitate job market access
Improve the chances of individuals to find a job, by teaching the required qualifications and interpersonal skills, through training and development programs, workshops or employment projects. (ESCO)
  • assist in gaining access to job market
  • enable job market access
  • facilitate access to job market
  • facilitating job market access
  • help in gaining access to job market


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Facilitate job market access (English)
Improve the chances of individuals to find a job, by teaching the required qualifications and interpersonal skills, through training and development programs, workshops or employment projects. (English)
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toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt faciliteren (Dutch)
De kansen voor individuen om werk te vinden verbeteren door de vereiste kwalificaties en intermenselijke vaardigheden aan te leren, door middel van opleidings- en ontwikkelingsprogrammas, workshops of werkgelegenheidsprojecten. (Dutch)
De kansen voor individuen om werk te vinden verbeteren door de vereiste kwalificaties en intermenselijke vaardigheden aan te leren, door middel van opleidings- en ontwikkelingsprogramma’s, workshops of werkgelegenheidsprojecten. (Dutch)
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Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt erleichtern (German)
Verbesserung der Chancen für Einzelpersonen, einen Arbeitsplatz zu finden, indem die erforderlichen Qualifikationen und Sozialkompetenzen durch Schulungs- und Entwicklungsprogramme, Workshops oder Beschäftigungsprojekte vermittelt werden. (German)
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favorire laccesso al mercato del lavoro (Italian)
Migliorare le possibilità per le persone di trovare un lavoro, insegnando le qualifiche e le competenze interpersonali richieste, attraverso programmi di formazione e sviluppo, workshop o progetti di lavoro. (Italian)
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usnadňovat přístup na pracovní trh (Czech)
Zlepšovat šance jednotlivců na nalezení pracovního místa pomocí výuky požadované kvalifikace a interpersonálních dovedností, a to prostřednictvím vzdělávacích a vývojových programů, seminářů nebo projektů v oblasti zaměstnanosti. (Czech)
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διευκόλυνση της πρόσβασης στην αγορά εργασίας (Greek)
Βελτίωση των πιθανοτήτων εύρεσης εργασίας των ατόμων με τη διδασκαλία των απαιτούμενων προσόντων και διαπροσωπικών δεξιοτήτων, μέσω προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης και ανάπτυξης, εργαστηρίων ή έργων απασχόλησης. (Greek)
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facilitar el acceso al mercado de trabajo (Spanish)
Mejorar las posibilidades de las personas de encontrar un trabajo, enseñando las cualificaciones y habilidades interpersonales requeridas, a través de programas de capacitación y desarrollo, talleres o proyectos de empleo. (Spanish)
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favorire l’accesso al mercato del lavoro (Italian)
Migliorare le possibilità per le persone di trovare un lavoro, insegnando le qualifiche e le competenze interpersonali richieste, attraverso programmi di formazione e sviluppo, workshop o progetti di lavoro. (Italian)
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underlätta tillträde till arbetsmarknaden (Swedish)
Förbättra möjligheterna för individer att hitta ett arbete genom att undervisa om de kvalifikationer och den sociala kompetens som krävs, genom utbildnings- och utvecklingsprogram, workshoppar eller sysselsättningsprojekt. (Swedish)
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faciliter l’accès au marché du travail (French)
Améliorer les chances des individus de trouver un emploi par l’enseignement des qualifications requises et des compétences interpersonnelles, par des programmes de formation et de développement, d’ateliers ou de projets d’emploi. (French)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



