leadership principles (ESCO) (Q1772)
From CompetenceBase
Set of traits and values which guide the actions of a leader with her/his employees and the company and provide direction throughout her/his career. (ESCO)
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | leadership principles | Set of traits and values which guide the actions of a leader with her/his employees and the company and provide direction throughout her/his career. (ESCO) |
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leadership principles (English)
Set of traits and values which guide the actions of a leader with her/his employees and the company and provide direction throughout her/his career. These principles are also an important tool for self-evaluation to identify strengths and weaknesses, and seek self-improvement. (English)
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principy vedení (Czech)
Soubor znaků a hodnot, jimiž se řídí působení vedoucího představitele na zaměstnance a podnik a které jsou mu vodítkem během celé kariéry. Tyto zásady jsou rovněž důležitým nástrojem pro sebehodnocení s cílem identifikovat silné a slabé stránky a usilovat o zlepšení. (Czech)
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