performance rental technician (ESCO) (Q1226)

From CompetenceBase
Revision as of 09:07, 4 December 2024 by Purkertcz (talk | contribs) (‎Added qualifier: Property:P12: Les techniciens matériel de location/techniciennes matériel de location préparent, entretiennent, livrent, acheminent, mettent en place, programment, exploitent, emportent, contrôlent, nettoient et stockent des équipements audiovisuels lors de représentations et d’autres événements. Leurs travaux sont réalisés sur la base de plans, d’instructions et de bons de commande., #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1733303230913)

Performance rental technicians prepare, maintain, issue, transport, setup, program, operate, take in, check, clean and store audiovisual, performance and event equipment. Their work is based on plans, instructions and order forms.

Performance rental technicians prepare, maintain, issue, transport, setup, program, operate, take in, check, clean and store audiovisual, performance and event equipment. Their work is based on plans, instructions and order forms.
  • performance rental monitor
  • load cell hire technician
  • rental equipment performance technician
  • rental equipment performance engineer
  • sound equipment hire technician
  • lighting hire equipment technician
  • venue performance monitor
  • equipment technician
  • venue technician (rental equipment)
  • equipment hire technician
  • weight report technician
  • performance rental engineer
  • special effects hire equipment technician
Language Label Description Also known as
performance rental technician
Performance rental technicians prepare, maintain, issue, transport, setup, program, operate, take in, check, clean and store audiovisual, performance and event equipment. Their work is based on plans, instructions and order forms.
  • performance rental monitor
  • load cell hire technician
  • rental equipment performance technician
  • rental equipment performance engineer
  • sound equipment hire technician
  • lighting hire equipment technician
  • venue performance monitor
  • equipment technician
  • venue technician (rental equipment)
  • equipment hire technician
  • weight report technician
  • performance rental engineer
  • special effects hire equipment technician


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performance rental technician (English)
Performance rental technicians prepare, maintain, issue, transport, setup, program, operate, take in, check, clean and store audiovisual, performance and event equipment. Their work is based on plans, instructions and order forms. (English)
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audiovisueel technisch assistent (Dutch)
Audiovisueel technisch assistenten regelen de voorbereiding, het onderhoud, de uitgifte, het vervoer, de plaatsing, de programmering, de bediening, de ontvangst, de controle, de reiniging en de opslag van audiovisuele, performance- en evenementenapparatuur. Hun werk is gebaseerd op plannen, instructies en andere formulieren. (Dutch)
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provozně technický pracovník/provozně technická pracovnice (Czech)
Provozně techničtí pracovníci připravují, udržují, vydávají, přepravují, instalují, programují, ovládají, přebírají, kontrolují, čistí a skladují audiovizuální vybavení a vybavení pro představení a akce. Jejich práce je založena na plánech, pokynech a objednávkách. (Czech)
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technicien matériel de location/technicienne matériel de location (French)
Les techniciens matériel de location/techniciennes matériel de location préparent, entretiennent, livrent, acheminent, mettent en place, programment, exploitent, emportent, contrôlent, nettoient et stockent des équipements audiovisuels lors de représentations et d’autres événements. Leurs travaux sont réalisés sur la base de plans, d’instructions et de bons de commande. (French)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



