represent company in exhibitions (ESCO) (Q1476)

From CompetenceBase
Revision as of 14:48, 5 December 2024 by Purkertcz (talk | contribs) (‎Added qualifier: Property:P12: Navštěvovat výstavy a/nebo veletrhy s cílem reprezentovat organizaci a zjistit, co dělají jiné organizace, aby získaly odborné znalosti o trendech v daném odvětví., #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1733409078549)

Visit shows and/or exhibitions to represent the organisation and undersand what other organisations are doing to acquire expertise in the sector's trends. (ESCO)

Visit shows and/or exhibitions to represent the organisation and undersand what other organisations are doing to acquire expertise in the sector's trends. (ESCO)
  • attend events
  • attending events
  • attend shows
  • attend the event
  • visit exhibitions
Language Label Description Also known as
represent company in exhibitions
Visit shows and/or exhibitions to represent the organisation and undersand what other organisations are doing to acquire expertise in the sector's trends. (ESCO)
  • attend events
  • attending events
  • attend shows
  • attend the event
  • visit exhibitions


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represent company in exhibitions (English)
Visit shows and/or exhibitions to represent the organisation and undersand what other organisations are doing to acquire expertise in the sector's trends. (English)
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das Unternehmen auf Messen vertreten (German)
Besuch von Messen undoder Ausstellungen, um die Organisation zu vertreten und sich über die Arbeit anderer Organisationen zu informieren, um Trends im Sektor zu erkennen. (German)
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rappresentare lazienda in occasione di esposizioni (Italian)
Visitare mostre eo esposizioni per rappresentare la propria organizzazione e vedere cosa stanno facendo le altre organizzazioni per acquisire competenze nelle tendenze del settore. (Italian)
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de onderneming vertegenwoordigen op beurzen (Dutch)
Voorstellingen enof beurzen bijwonen om uw organisatie te vertegenwoordigen en om te zien wat andere organisaties doen om kennis te vergaren over de trends in de sector (Dutch)
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reprezentovat společnost na výstavách (Czech)
Navštěvovat výstavy a/nebo veletrhy s cílem reprezentovat organizaci a zjistit, co dělají jiné organizace, aby získaly odborné znalosti o trendech v daném odvětví. (Czech)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



