Advise on training courses (Q594)

From CompetenceBase
Revision as of 14:36, 5 December 2024 by Purkertcz (talk | contribs) (‎Added qualifier: Property:P12: Poskytovat informace o možnostech školení či kvalifikace nebo o dostupných zdrojích financování v závislosti na potřebách a dosaženém vzdělání dané osoby., #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1733409078549)

Provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual. (ESCO)

Provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual. (ESCO)
  • advise on training course
  • advise on trainings
  • inform on training courses
  • provide consultancy service on training courses
  • provide guidance on training courses
  • provide information on possible training options
  • provide information on training courses
Language Label Description Also known as
Advise on training courses
Provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual. (ESCO)
  • advise on training course
  • advise on trainings
  • inform on training courses
  • provide consultancy service on training courses
  • provide guidance on training courses
  • provide information on possible training options
  • provide information on training courses


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90 10 00 00 75
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Advise on training courses (English)
Provide information on possible training options or qualifications and available funding resources, depending on the needs and educational background of the individual. (English)
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advies geven over trainingen (Dutch)
Informatie verstrekken over mogelijke opleidingsopties of kwalificaties en beschikbare financieringsmiddelen, afhankelijk van de behoeften en de educatieve achtergrond van het individu. (Dutch)
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über Schulungen informieren (German)
Aufklärung über verschiedene Schulungsmöglichkeiten und Qualifikationen sowie über verfügbare Finanzierungsquellen, je nach Bedarf und Bildungshintergrund der Betreffenden. (German)
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fornire informazioni sui corsi di formazione (Italian)
Fornire informazioni su possibili opzioni di formazione o sulle qualifiche e risorse finanziarie disponibili, in funzione delle esigenze e del contesto formativo dellindividuo. (Italian)
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poskytovat informace ohledně školení (Czech)
Poskytovat informace o možnostech školení či kvalifikace nebo o dostupných zdrojích financování v závislosti na potřebách a dosaženém vzdělání dané osoby. (Czech)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



