organise stage (Q1374)
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Making sure the scene elements like props and furniture are placed according to specifications, procuring the costumes and wigs and making sure everybody is ready in the right time and place. (ESCO)
- arrange stage
- manage stage
- organise stages
- organising stage
- organize stage
- plan stage
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | organise stage | Making sure the scene elements like props and furniture are placed according to specifications, procuring the costumes and wigs and making sure everybody is ready in the right time and place. (ESCO) |
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organise stage (English)
Making sure the scene elements like props and furniture are placed according to specifications, procuring the costumes and wigs and making sure everybody is ready in the right time and place. (English)
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Bühne vorbereiten (German)
Sicherstellung, dass die Szenenelemente wie Requisiten und Möbel nach Anweisung angeordnet sind, Beschaffung der Kostüme und Perücken und Sicherstellung, dass sich alle zur rechten Zeit am richtigen Ort befinden. (German)
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organizzare il palco (Italian)
Fare in modo che gli elementi della scena, come gli oggetti e i mobili, siano posizionati in base alle specifiche, procurarsi i costumi e le parrucche e garantire che tutti siano pronti al momento e nel posto giusto. (Italian)
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podium organiseren (Dutch)
Ervoor zorgen dat de onderdelen van de scène, zoals rekwisieten en meubels, volgens de specificaties worden geplaatst, de kostuums en pruiken aankopen en ervoor zorgen dat iedereen klaar is op het juiste moment en zich op de juiste plaats bevindt. (Dutch)
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organizovat jevištní dění (Czech)
Zajistit, aby scénické prvky, jako jsou rekvizity a nábytek, byly umístěny podle specifikací, aby se obstaraly kostýmy a paruky a zajistilo, aby všichni byli připraveni ve správný čas na správném místě. (Czech)
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οργάνωση της σκηνής (Greek)
Μέριμνα για την τοποθέτηση των στοιχείων της σκηνής, όπως τα σκηνικά και τα έπιπλα, σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές, προμήθεια κουστουμιών και περουκών και μέριμνα για την ετοιμότητα όλων των συντελεστών στον κατάλληλο χρόνο και τόπο. (Greek)
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organizar un escenario (Spanish)
Asegurarse de que los elementos de la escena, como el atrezzo y el mobiliario, se coloquen según las especificaciones, procurando el aprovisionamiento de trajes y pelucas y que todo el mundo esté listo en el momento y el lugar adecuados. (Spanish)
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organisera scenen (Swedish)
Se till att scenelement som rekvisita och möbler placeras i enlighet med specifikationerna, upphandla kläder och peruker och se till att alla är redo vid rätt tidpunkt och på rätt plats. (Swedish)
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