communicate expectations of fight actions (ESCO) (Q1322)

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Agree with the director or choreographer on key ideas expected from the fight action and develop them. Convey the key ideas of the other collaborators, designers, etc. Explain choices in a broad perspective. (ESCO)

Agree with the director or choreographer on key ideas expected from the fight action and develop them. Convey the key ideas of the other collaborators, designers, etc. Explain choices in a broad perspective. (ESCO)
  • communicate expectations of fight actions
  • communicate fight action expectations
  • communicating expectations of fight actions
  • describe expectations of fight actions
  • inform about expectations of fight actions
Language Label Description Also known as
communicate expectations of fight actions
Agree with the director or choreographer on key ideas expected from the fight action and develop them. Convey the key ideas of the other collaborators, designers, etc. Explain choices in a broad perspective. (ESCO)
  • communicate expectations of fight actions
  • communicate fight action expectations
  • communicating expectations of fight actions
  • describe expectations of fight actions
  • inform about expectations of fight actions


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communicate expectations of fight actions (English)
Agree with the director or choreographer on key ideas expected from the fight action and develop them. Convey the key ideas of the other collaborators, designers, etc. Explain choices in a broad perspective. Identify key points to be communicated. Indicate the work method to be used. Explain the rehearsal stages from the start up to the first performance. (English)
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Erwartungen an Kampfszenen kommunizieren (German)
Eine Vereinbarung mit dem Regisseurder Regisseurin oder demder Choreografen-in zu den wichtigsten Aspekten erzielen, die von Kampfszenen erwartet werden, und diese entwickeln. (German)
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comunicare le aspettative delle azioni di combattimento (Italian)
Concordare con il direttore o il coreografo le idee chiave attese dalle azioni di combattimento e svilupparle. Trasmettere le idee chiave degli altri collaboratori, designer, ecc. Illustrare le scelte in unampia prospettiva. (Italian)
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verwachtingen van vechtscènes doorgeven (Dutch)
Met de directeur of choreograaf overeenkomsten bereiken over kernideeën die van de vechtactie worden verwacht en deze ontwikkelen. De kernideeën van andere medewerkers, ontwerpers, enz. overbrengen. Keuzes toelichten in een breed perspectief. (Dutch)
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vysvětlovat, co se od bojových scén očekává (Czech)
Dohodnout se s režisérem nebo choreografem na klíčových myšlenkách, které se očekávají od bojových scén, a rozvíjet je. Tlumočit klíčové myšlenky ostatních spolupracovníků, designérů atd. a vysvětlit rozhodnutí v široké perspektivě. Určit klíčové body, které je třeba sdělit. Uvést způsob práce, který má být použit. Vysvětlit fáze nazkoušení od začátku až po první vystoupení. (Czech)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



