gather reference materials for artwork (ESCO) (Q1312)

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Revision as of 15:27, 5 December 2024 by Purkertcz (talk | contribs) (‎Added [cs] description: Shromažďovat vzorky materiálů, které očekáváte v procesu vytváření, zejména pokud požadované umělecké dílo vyžaduje intervenci kvalifikovaných pr...)

Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes. (ESCO)

Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes. (ESCO)
  • assemble reference materials for artwork
  • collect reference materials for artwork
  • gathering reference materials for artwork
  • gather reference material for artwork
  • gather reference materials for artworks
Language Label Description Also known as
gather reference materials for artwork
Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes. (ESCO)
  • assemble reference materials for artwork
  • collect reference materials for artwork
  • gathering reference materials for artwork
  • gather reference material for artwork
  • gather reference materials for artworks


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gather reference materials for artwork (English)
Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes. (English)
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Referenzmaterialien für ein Kunstwerk zusammenführen (German)
Sammeln von Proben der Materialien, die im schöpferischen Prozess verwendet werden sollen, insbesondere, wenn das angestrebte Kunstwerk nur mit qualifizierten Arbeitskräften oder spezifischen Produktionsverfahren hergestellt werden kann. (German)
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raccogliere i materiali di riferimento per opere darte (Italian)
Raccogliere campioni dei materiali che si prevede di utilizzare nel processo di creazione, in particolare se loggetto darte desiderato richiede lintervento di lavoratori qualificati o processi di produzione specifici. (Italian)
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referentiemateriaal voor kunstwerken verzamelen (Dutch)
Monsters verzamelen van de materialen die u denkt te gebruiken in het creatieproces, vooral als het gewenste kunstwerk de tussenkomst van gekwalificeerde werknemers of specifieke productieprocessen vereist. (Dutch)
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shromažďovat k uměleckému dílu referenční materiály (Czech)
Shromažďovat vzorky materiálů, které očekáváte v procesu vytváření, zejména pokud požadované umělecké dílo vyžaduje intervenci kvalifikovaných pracovníků nebo specifické výrobní procesy. (Czech)
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ESCO description

Sectoral layer



