Difference between revisions of "adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (Q1352)"

From CompetenceBase

Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (ESCO)

(‎Removed [en] label: "adapt designers’ work to the performance venue")
(‎Set [nl] aliases: werk van ontwerpers aanpassen aan concertzaal, werk van ontwerpers aanpassen aan theaterzaal)
(23 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / enlabel / en
adapt designers’ work to the performance venue
label / delabel / de
Designentwürfe an die Spielstätte anpassen
label / itlabel / it
adattare il lavoro dei progettisti al luogo dellesibizione
label / nllabel / nl
werk van ontwerpers aanpassen aan voorstellingszaal
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
adapt designers' work to venue of performance
aliases / en / 1aliases / en / 1
adapt designers’ work to the performance venue
aliases / en / 2aliases / en / 2
adapt the work of all involved to the performance venue
aliases / en / 3aliases / en / 3
adapt work of designers to the performance venue
aliases / en / 4aliases / en / 4
modify designers' work according to performance location
aliases / nl / 0aliases / nl / 0
werk van ontwerpers aanpassen aan concertzaal
aliases / nl / 1aliases / nl / 1
werk van ontwerpers aanpassen aan theaterzaal
description / endescription / en
"Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (ESCO)"
Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (ESCO)
description / dedescription / de
Neuausrichtung der Tätigkeit der Künstler, wie Musiker, Tänzer, Schauspieler, sowie der künstlerischen und technischen Mitarbeiter, wie Bühnenbildner, Beleuchter und Inspizienten.
description / itdescription / it
Riorientare il lavoro dei collaboratori dellesibizione, quali musicisti, ballerini, attori e collaboratori artistici e tecnici, quali disegnatori, operatori di luci e responsabili di scena.
description / nldescription / nl
Het werk van de medewerkers aan de voorstelling, zoals musici, dansers, acteurs, artistieke en technische medewerkers, zoals ontwerpers, lichttechnici en podiummanagers, heroriënteren.
Property / ESCO title
adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (English)
Property / ESCO title: adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / ESCO title: adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (English) / qualifier
ESCO description: Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (English)
Property / ESCO title: adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (English) / qualifier
Property / place in process
Property / place in process: preparation / rank
Normal rank
Property / EQF level
Property / EQF level: No level / rank
Normal rank
Property / competence unique identifier
Property / competence unique identifier: 16 / rank
Normal rank
Property / field and subfield
Property / field and subfield: Artistic, General / rank
Normal rank
Property / ESCO Skill reusability level
Property / ESCO Skill reusability level: sector-specific / rank
Normal rank
Property / ESCO Status
Property / ESCO Status: released / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 10:14, 5 September 2024

Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (ESCO)
  • adapt designers' work to venue of performance
  • adapt designers’ work to the performance venue
  • adapt the work of all involved to the performance venue
  • adapt work of designers to the performance venue
  • modify designers' work according to performance location
Language Label Description Also known as
adapt designers’ work to the performance venue
Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (ESCO)
  • adapt designers' work to venue of performance
  • adapt designers’ work to the performance venue
  • adapt the work of all involved to the performance venue
  • adapt work of designers to the performance venue
  • modify designers' work according to performance location


0 references
0 references
0 references
adapt designers’ work to the performance venue (English)
Reorient the work of performance collaborators, such as musicians, dancers, actors as well as artistic and technical collaborators, such as set designers, lighting operators and stage managers. (English)
0 references
0 references
0 references

ESCO description

Sectoral layer



